'From somewhere I got the desire to read the Bible again.....
...I came to the gospels. In the New Testament I suddenly discovered the way that life should be followed.' David Suchet
David Suchet reads John's Gospel: (View)
'The Bible Jesus Read' - by Philip Yancey
'If you think the Old Testament is a mysterious, outdated book, think again! It is the Bible that Jesus read, used and loved. It is the story of God's passionate encounters with people. It is also the story of Jesus, who came to answer the questions that troubled the ancient writers and still trouble us today. For expressing our deepest longings and voicing the full range of our lives and emotions, the Old Testament has no equal.'

Philip Yancy explores these sometimes shocking, often cryptic divine writings. You will come to know God more intimately, anticipate Jesus more fervently, and find a wonderful, wise companion for your faith journey.

The Bible - recomended modern translations:
The New Living Translation (NLT)
The New International Version (NIV)
The New Living Translation (NLT)
The New International Version (NIV)
Online from www.eden.co.uk
The Bible Journey